Friday, January 31, 2020

Goulet Q&A Episode 282: Brian's Favorite Stealth Pens, Pens That Can Take Abuse, and When New Products Are Leaked

In this Goulet Q&A episode, Brian talks about his favorite stealth pens, which pens he gives to people, and what he really thinks about people who leak product releases ahead of time. Enjoy!

Friday, January 24, 2020

Goulet Q&A Episode 281: Which Fountain Pens Stain, and the Best Pens to Come in 2020

In this Goulet Q&A episode, Brian talks about if all demonstrator pens are doomed to be stained, best ways to incorporate fountain pens into your daily life, and the best pens to come in 2020. Enjoy!

Friday, January 17, 2020

Goulet Q&A Episode 280: Pen Brand Relationships and Where Free Ink Really Comes From

In this Goulet Q&A episode, Brian talks about pen brand relationships, if broads are more troublesome than fines, and where "free ink" comes from. Enjoy!

Friday, January 10, 2020

Goulet Q&A Episode 279: Brian's Favorite Discontinued Pens and Most Polarizing Products

In the first Goulet Q&A episode of 2020, Brian talks about what will happen after he tries every single pen and ink we carry, his favorite discontinued pens, and the most polarizing products we sell. Enjoy!