Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Team Goulet Thank You

We just hit our company's official 4-year anniversary on November 17th, and tomorrow is Thanksgiving. We've been in a really thankful and grateful mood this month. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we wanted to put together a video of many of our team saying a genuine thanks for allowing us to serve you every day. Thank you!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Edison Nouveau Limited Edition History

Launching the 2013 Edison Nouveau Premiere LE Macassar Ebonite made be a bit nostalgic, so I thought it would be neat to show you all of the previous years' Edison Nouveau LE pens. I show you all 4 LE pens, as well as some others that have special meaning to me.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Brian and Rachel Goulet: Reflection after 4 Years

After just hitting our 4th anniversary of, we're finding ourselves particularly reminiscent about our journey so far. We've taken our company from a mom and pop website, a laptop, and a couple of bookcases in our dining room, to a 12,000sf office/warehouse with a team of 18 people in 4 years. So much has changed about our company, yet at the same time, so much is exactly the same as what we originally set out for the Goulet vision. We sit down and share our thoughts and feelings with you in the most in-depth and personally reflective interview we've ever given.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Goulet Q&A Episode 13, Open Forum

This week, I went back to an Open Forum, taking any questions that came along through Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Ink Nouveau, YouTube, and email. I ended up with more questions than I had time to answer, but I was able to squeeze in 19 before I had to run. I had at least 10 other good questions that I'll save for a future Q&A.

The questions this week are a bit all over the place, asking me about flex pens, my faith, inks for artists, smoothing nibs, freezing inks, and product lines at

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Delta Serena Overview

Delta has a new fountain pen called the Serena, and it's the most affordable Delta pen available today. I show you all three colors, talk about how the pen feels in the hand, and show you how it writes.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Kaweco is back, baby!

It's been about two years since you've heard me talk about the German pen brand Kaweco here on Ink Nouveau. It's a line that we used to carry at but dropped because of inventory complications and supply issues with our distributor, even though we were always fond of the pens themselves. It's now being brought in by a new distributor, and there are some other changes that have happened that made us want to bring them back, so here they are!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Goulet Q&A Episode 12, Troubleshooting Your Fountain Pen

This week's Q&A was actually a topic that I broke out from last week's (Using Your Fountain Pens). I ended up getting so many troubleshooting questions that I split it into a separate video, which is what I made for today.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Edison Nouveau Premiere LE 2013 Macassar Ebonite

We've collaborated with Edison pens to create a limited edition Premiere ebonite fountain pen in what we're calling Macassar Ebonite, reminiscent of the Macassar Ebony wood that both our companies used for pen making in our founding days. This pen will be available for purchase until November 30th 2013.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Goulet Q&A Episode 11, Using Your Fountain Pens

This week, I'm talking about Using Your Fountain Pens. I ended up getting so many questions, SO many questions, that I am splitting them up into next week's Q&A. I received a lot of questions about troubleshooting pens, so next week's theme will be Troubleshooting Your Fountain Pens.

I start off the video talking about Fountain Pen Day, Kaweco pens coming back to Goulet Pens, the TWSBI 580 Rose Gold, the launch of our Thanksgiveaway contest, and the start of NaNoWriMo. After I talk about all this for a couple of minutes, I dive right into the questions, and really cover a lot in a short period of time. This is a packed vid!